yoga retreats

Recenter your thoughts to get you going on the path that’s most rewarding for you


What We Offer

We offer a broad selection of workshops and access to practitioners and healers. Guided meditations, sound baths, goat yoga, yin yoga, vinyasa flow, private reiki sessions, shawmanic healers and top of the line facials with Dermalogica. This sanctuary will foster many newfound relationships and connections through group interaction. 

This retreat is an opportunity to step away from everyday life and focus on yourself and your connection to your spirituality, no matter what form that takes shape in your life. You don’t have to be a guru, well-versed in a spiritual or religious practice, or even subscribe to a particular faith tradition to take part. All you need is the willingness to recenter your thoughts to get you going on the path that’s most right and most rewarding for you.